Happy Dog in Nature

Be Your Pet’s Hero!

A preventative wellness program based upon the cycles of nature.

AA 12-month experiential journey giving you an easy-to-follow road map to provide your pet with a state of thriving health & well-being.

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If you are new to pet care and overwhelmed and uncertain about all the various options out there....

...this program will give you the ability to make informed decisions based upon your pet’s unique constitution and needs.

If you are well versed in holistic modalities and nutrition....

...this program will give you a framework and underlying understanding of how best to utilize those modalities and go deeper, achieving even more balance in your pet’s life.

If you are just realizing there has to be a better way to care for your pets and are disillusioned with the current state of pet food and veterinary medicine.....

...this program will provide a basic road map to follow for years to come and is based upon simple principles we can observe in the natural world around us. Anyone can learn it!

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In case you haven’t noticed...

...veterinary medicine is not what it used to be.

And neither is pet food.

The small, independent, family-owned veterinary clinic down the street, where you have been taking your dog for the past 10 years, has most likely been bought out by a large corporation, the same one that makes the pet food they sell.

Prices for services have tripled and even quadrupled, and the answer to this problem has been to buy pet health insurance, that is unregulated, with the power to raise premiums or exclude your pet for pre-existing conditions whenever they choose.

Service has been difficult to come by, with long waits and 10 -15 minute appointment times, barely enough time to take a decent history or listen to your concerns.

Then your animal is whisked to the back, out of sight, with not even a chance to give consent to treatment, let alone ask questions.

Veterinary education has changed., diagnoses being determined via computer algorithm vs. critical reasoning skills. Veterinarians are frustrated, and trapped between corporate managers and clients with sick pets.

We have high-tech diagnostics like MRIs and CT scans, but a drastically decreasing life expectancy for dogs and cats...

Corporate clinics are stocking inventory based on discounts from pharmaceutical and pet food companies, limiting the treatment options available to veterinarians.

You, the pet parent, are often left with an animal that is no better off after the visit than it was before.

Your other option is to search for answers online where you are bombarded with so many differing opinions you do not know who or what to believe or trust any longer.

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Why trust me?

I have been that “family vet”. I have been caring for pets in the homes of my clients from puppy and kittenhood up until they take their last breath for over 25 years.

I have studied and integrated alternative modalities into my clinical practice for over 30 years, falling back on my degree in biology, with an emphasis in neurology and genetics, to evaluate old and new modalities of healing.

I have heard the struggles, concerns, worries and fears of my clients when it comes to their animals:

  • what they experience at the vet clinic
  • when they receive tough diagnoses
  • going through all the stages of life, the aging process and the final letting go.

And I have my own elderly animals who I treat just like my patients.

“I do not recommend any treatments or remedies that I would not either take myself or give to my own animals.”

- Dr. Josie

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Are you ready to make a change and be empowered to make better choices for your beloved pet?

Our pets are no longer “just a dog” or “just a cat”. They are loving members of our families and for many, the only unconditional emotional support they may have ever had, truly the the loves of our lives.

You pour the love from your heart out to them, willing to do whatever it takes to give them a life free of suffering.

And you have legitimate concerns + worries + fears about:

      • not being able to hear them
      • knowing if they are feeling ok
      • if they are suffering
      • if they need something you are not providing for them.
Hands with love Heart Shape
Cat and Heart

If this describes you, thank you for caring so deeply for a member of the Animal Realm. The relationship with your animal(s) is a link, a connection, to the natural world of planet Earth, which so many people have forgotten about and forsaken.

The relationship you have with your pet is reciprocal: you give them safe, nourishing, loving care and they give you gifts as well.

They mirror back to us our own imbalances and dis-eases as well as our capacity for compassion, giving and receiving.

They are here to teach us + to help us heal, just as much as we are here to care for them.

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You are walking hand-in-paw with them on this journey.

Pet Friendship Concept

You are more connected to your animal than you may realize. It is through the heart connection you have with them that the healing, compassion, and love flows, in both directions.

It is through this heart connection that you are already in communication with them, whether you realize it or not.

It is in the wisdom of the heart where you will find all the answers that you seek, whether that is:

      • What food to feed?
      • What treatments are most appropriate?
      • What things are they missing in their lives?
      • What treatments help them feel better?

Your heart connection with them will also be where to listen for the answers to the larger questions:

      • Are they lonesome?
      • Are they in pain?
      • What choices are for their highest good?
      • Are they ready to leave this world and die?


Woman in Silk Flowy Dress on a Clear Day
Pets and Dogs.

What if you had a map to guide and empower you to make choices based upon:

  • your pet’s unique constitution
  • their strengths and weaknesses
  • their preferences and aversions
  • diseases they may be prone to depending on strengths, weaknesses, and stage of life
  • early signs of imbalances before they become manifest as physical disease

A map to follow to make you the best advocate for your pet’s health and well-being?

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Well there is such a map, a map that has stood the test of time, 5000 + years of time:

The 5 Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The ancient Chinese masters left us with such a map, the Wu Xing, translated as the “5 processes” or “5 elements”.

It is an alchemical map of energetic processes underlying the phenomenal world, a kind of ancient quantum mechanics.

It describes the relationships between the outer reaches of the planets, to seasonal cycles determined by the earth, sun, and moon, all the way down and in to the organ systems within the body.

Following the great maxim, “as above, so below, as within, so without”, the interdependent relationships between these elements weave the great mandala of life with its cycles of creation and control.

In Be Your Pet’s Hero we are going to follow this map through an entire annual cycle,

Each season corresponding to one of the 5 Elements, and its corresponding:

internal organs


Dog leg fracture xray. Canine radius and ulna fracture radiograph

Body parts

The dog's smell

Sense organs

One egg with sad emotion among another eggs with happy emotions. Eggs with emotions.


We will spend 10 weeks immersed in the energy of the season and the element, to fully experience it in all its facets:

  • constitutional manifestations
  • body + spirit + mind
  • in balance and out of balance
  • its manifestations in the outer world and the inner world
  • foods and herbal correspondences, among other things!
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Be Your Pet’s Hero can help you be your pet’s best wellness advocate:

  • understand your pet’s constitutional makeup, which elements predominate, and how the less obvious elements play a part in the full picture of their body + mind + spirit
  • what their potential weaknesses are and how to support them
  • learn about the life stages and how the elements play a part from youth, adulthood, the senior years, and end-of-life care
  • how to spot signs that are early cues to energetic imbalances before they become manifest on the physical level
  • how emotions play a role in physical imbalances
  • seasonal support via herbs and food
  • acupuncture channels and points and ways to stimulate them without needles to help tonify organs and balance elemental disharmonies.
Happy Woman Hugging Her Dog

This is an invitation to become the true hero in your pet’s life!

  • gain a different perspective on health and wellness
  • be more confident in reading the signs your pet is giving you
  • learn the energetic workings of the body
  • develop stronger lines of communication between you and your animals
  • understand their behavioral quirks, preferences, and aversions
  • know what signs they may give you when things are not in harmony

Have a deeper heart connection than ever to your pet!

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I wanted to find a vet who does not use conventional medicine to treat a dog’s body. I wanted a holistic vet as I believe in the same for myself.

Your strength is your ability to diagnose what an animal is missing in its body or areas which need help in order to balance out a dog to be fully and vibrantly heathy.

I have witnessed a full transformation of many dogs who work with you after diet changes, herbs and acupuncture have been added to their treatment.

Rose Lesniak

Dr Josie came highly recommended by others in the veterinary healthcare field, as one of the most prominent and best DVM’s specializing in acupuncture, holistic and alternative veterinary medicine. With regular acupuncture treatments and herbal formulas, Sheba has been able to go over 4 years without any progression or other treatment of her liver disease and avoided surgical treatment for her torn ACL ligament in her knee, which could have caused her tremendous physical pain and recovery, along with emotional distress. She walks with no trouble and actually runs again.

Barbara Pittman

Black cat black and white

Let me begin by reiterating my gratitude to you for taking care of my cats’ health for so many years and for teaching my late husband and me how to better help them to heal and to heal ourselves.

You bring us hope and happiness as we succeed in dealing with illness and discomfort in a more natural way rather than relying on drugs. The incredibly positive results of your work with us are evidenced in Manolo’s improvement of gastrointestinal functions and ease of his arthritic condition and chronic pain for many years until he passed away with your assistance.

Clara McLean

“Be Your Pet’s Hero” is for pet parents, sitters, trainers, veterinarians, vet techs... anyone who cares about animals and wants to take their care to the next level


Learn how to identify constitutional types

How ALL 5 of the elements are expressed in your pet

Healthy Super Food Selection

TCVM Food Therapy: seasonal eating

Supporting the elements with food as medicine

Spices and herbs.

Herbal Medicine through the seasons

Constitutional remedies and tonics to prevent imbalances

Dog massage

Energy medicine: using the channels and points

Simple ways to stimulate points that will support the elements and organs you can do at home

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Here is what you’ll receive:

Spring: Wood Element

The Resilient Leader

  • Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal.
  • We will be introduced to the archetype of the Resilient Leader, examining the ins and outs of a Wood dog/cat that is balanced and living in harmony and what happens when that balance is lost.
  • We will meet the Officials, or organs associated with Wood, the LIver + Gallbladder, and learn their functions from a Western and Eastern medical perspective, how they are monitored by bloodwork, tongue + pulse diagnosis, and other signs.
  • We will experience the WOOD element in the environment during Springtime when the climate of WIND is most active
  • We will learn what pathologies are associated with an imbalanced WOOD element: tendon+ligaments, allergies, seizures, anxiety/aggression, acid reflux .
  • We will trace the acupuncture channels and learn some points to support WOOD.
  • We will explore using food and herbs to help support the body and do a spring cleanse.
  • This is the element associated with YOUTH. We will be discussing vaccination protocols and how to weigh the risks and benefits based on your pet’s lifestyle to make the right choice regarding vaccination.

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Summer: Fire Element

The Social Butterfly

  • Summer is the season to reach out into the world and socialize.
  • We will be introduced to the archetype of the Social Butterfly, examining the ins and outs of a Fire dog/cat that is balanced and living in harmony and what happens when that balance is lost.
  • We will meet the Officials, or organs associated with Fire, the Heart + Small Intestine + Pericardium + Triple Heater and learn their functions from a Western and Eastern medical perspective, how they are monitored by bloodwork, tongue + pulse diagnosis, and other signs.
  • We will experience the FIRE element in the environment through exercises and rituals.
  • We will learn what pathologies are associated with an imbalanced FIRE element including cardiac and endocrine disorders.
  • HEARTWORM prevention: in-depth lesson so you can make an informed decision based upon your unique situation
  • We will trace the acupuncture channels + learn some points to support FIRE.
  • We will explore using food and herbs to help support the body during this season of HEAT.

Late Summer: Earth Element

The Nurturing Caretaker

  • Late Summer is the season of rest in between harvests, the lazy dog days of summer.
  • We will be introduced to the archetype of the Nurturing Caretaker, the EARTH dog/cat, what throws them off balance, and their strengths and weaknesses.
  • We will meet the Officials, or organs associated with EARTH, the digestive organs of the Spleen + Stomach, and learn their functions from a Western and Eastern medical perspective, how they are monitored by bloodwork, tongue + pulse diagnosis, and other signs.
  • We will experience the EARTH element in the soil and its reflection in the microbiome of the gut.
  • We will learn about gastrointestinal imbalances and remedies to bring them into harmony.
  • We will trace the acupuncture channels + learn some points to support EARTH..
  • We will explore using food and herbs to help support the body during this season of DAMPNESS.
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Autumn: Metal Element

The Faithful Executive

Raw Hematite Ore
  • Autumn is the season of letting go and grieving.
  • We will be introduced to the archetype of the Faithful Executive, the METAL dog/cat, who follows the rules and loves order.
  • We will meet the Officials, or organs associated with METAL, the Lungs + Large Intestine, and learn their functions from a Western and Eastern medical perspective, how they are monitored by bloodwork, tongue + pulse diagnosis, and other signs.
  • We will experience the METAL element as the outer energies begin to draw inward and downward. preparing for Winter.
  • METAL is the time of the wise, respected Elder.
  • We will learn about the immune system and boundaries.
  • We will trace the acupuncture channels + learn some points to support METAL.
  • We will explore using food and herbs to help support the immune system and counteract DRYNESS and remedies, ie flower essences for GRIEF

Winter: Water Element

The Wise One

Swimming Pool Water
  • Winter is the season of turning within.
  • We will be introduced to the archetype of the Wise One, the philosopher, the introvert, the WATER dog/cat.
  • We will meet the Officials, or organs associated with WATER, the Kidneys + Bladder, and learn their functions from a Western and Eastern medical perspective, how they are monitored by bloodwork, tongue + pulse diagnosis, and other signs.
  • We will experience the WATER element through quiet reflection, contemplation, and dreamwork.
  • We will learn about the life essence, the JING and how stones are the perfect medicine for treating the JING.
  • We will trace the acupuncture channels + learn some points to support WATER.
  • We will explore using food and herbs to help support this deepest part of the body that includes the bones, and the genes.
  • This is the season of ending one stage to make room for the rebirth of Spring. It is here we meet up with the fear of death and will be discussing end-of-life care.

The Mandala of Life

By the time we are done, we will have taken a journey full circle around this web of life and a complete tour of the body, weaving the strands of this beautiful mandala of life.

All living things, ourselves and our animals, are made up of all 5 of the elements, in varying proportions. Learning and experientially embodying all of them gives us a complete picture of the journey of life itself.

We will spend a full 10 weeks immersed within each element, WITHIN its season, preparing and sharing the foods and herbs that correspond to it.

This gives us the luxury to truly explore, experience, and share the elemental energies within and without, in nature, in ourselves, and in our animals.

When you understand the basic map, the blueprint, you can apply it to all kinds of things, and have a deeper understanding of bringing about harmony and balance into the body, your own and your pets’.

Course Structure

  • Hosted on a private Mighty Network, Gateway to Gaia which I established 3 years ago. It is not under the prying eyes of anyone but the paid members.

  • We will meet monthly on a LIVE Zoom call, approximately 2 hours in length:
      • one LIVE to introduce the seasonal element and archetype
      • one LIVE session to ask questions and share experiences and observations.

  • It is highly recommended that you attend live to get the full benefit of the program even though they will be recorded.

  • Ongoing discussion feed, exercises, and community on the platform, including PDFs, chat rooms, and bonus classes.

  • A weekly meditation circle is included and highly recommended. We will do exercises to open our hearts and our intuition to better connect with our animals.

  • Respectful dialogue and discussion as well as acceptance of varying points of view is the only prerequisite and requirement. This is for all experience levels and the “beginner mind” is most helpful to be open to a new perspective.

  • We will spend 10 weeks per element to have plenty of time to explore and embody the energy of the season, get to know the organs, understand the interplay between elements, and how to support them to find a balanced state of dynamic equilibrium.

  • 10 weeks will give us time to both implement some of the suggestions and share our experiences with one another, in community.
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“The goal is to provide you with a working foundation of health and wellness that can be applied to any species, including your own.”

What this is NOT:

This is not a substitute for veterinary care. Regular bloodwork, diagnostics and physical exams are an important part of preventative care.

This is not a certification course and does not make you an expert or a teacher of the material covered. It is an introduction to a complex, evolving system of healthcare called Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine.

This is not a class in dietary formulation. We will be learning about TCVM Food therapy according to the Five Elements and some recipes will be provided.

I am opening this up for participants to share personal cases with their animals., as the animals very much want to participate. That said, some cases may be far too complex, and we may be only able to touch on a segment of the whole. Private consultations will be available for an additional fee for a full record and case review if required.

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When Josie talks about all her years of knowledge around a subject, she's being modest. There are only a small handful of people I know who when they say they have wisdom to share around a certain subject, they MEAN it. She is one of them.

The amount of information Josie delivers on the courses she teaches is mind blowing.

Also, back in December when I had covid, there reached a point where it started to feel like someone was sitting on my lungs.

They felt super heavy and it wasn't something l'd ever felt before in my life. I texted Josie and she gave me some acupuncture points and within a matter of minutes I could breathe deeply and freely again.

She is truly wise, truly generous, and truly connected to everything she teaches on.

Sarah Quenon

You have truly been a partner over the last 2 decades. You have been available to answer questions and have been a true mentor, reinforcing and supporting the raw food diet that I make for the dogs and the cats. You were the first veterinarian to endorse the raw food diet and your suggestions for additional foods have enhanced what I make and, thus, made my animals healthier.

Acupuncture certainly allowed my both of my prior golden retrievers to live longer, more comfortable lives in a much healthier way than throwing harmful anti-inflammatory medications at them. Both dogs had hip dysplasia. During your acupuncture treatments, both Benji and Jabby looked like they were in spa heaven and both continued to romp and play frisbee until just shortly before each died. Thanks to you, they spent most of their lives pain-free.

Micki Lewis


Courses on some of my favorite herbal allies

Part I: Medicinal Mushrooms

Class covering Turkey Tail, Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps, and lions Mane.

VALUE $450

Cannabis in Clinical Practice

Cliff notes to an article in AHVMA Journal • Volume 61 Winter 2020:

Cannabis in Veterinary Medicine: A Critical Review

VALUE $350

Part II: Culinary Mushrooms

All you have ever wanted to know about white button, Tremella, Shiitake, Maitake and Chanterelles.

VALUE $300

Membership to Gateway to Gaia

Dr. Josie’s private online community: weekly meditation, astrologer, grief circle, a respectful community of like-minded friends..

VALUE $150

Programs estimated value $6000 + Bonuses = $7250

Offered at a reduced rate plus EARLY BIRD pricing until March 12, 2024

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Two payment plans are available:

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A message from

Dr Josie:

Going on this journey, and walking this path through the entire year, will teach you more than you can imagine, I will guarantee that.

Every cycle I take around this wheel teaches me something new, and I have been doing this for years!

There is no way to cover it all in a year, and that is why I am creating it to be participatory with plenty of time built in so that we can allow the animals present in our lives to lead us through what is most valuable to the participants, for this particular cycle.

I have also kept the cost as low as I can, the price equal to the cost of one private consult with me per month. You will be receiving much more than I could ever give you in one of my hourly sessions.

I hope to see you in the program!

Dr. Josie